Becoming a female voice-over

Becoming a female voice-over

I trained as a Voice Talent at the Ecole de la Voix in Chazay-d’Azergues in the Lyon area. During this training, which I mentioned in a previous article, I discovered the voice-over profession. In order to continue to progress and work, I equipped myself with my own home studio. I use it to train, but also to deliver to clients who do not have access to a studio.

Below you will find some samples of my voice. These excerpts have been recorded as examples only and I am not the original voice in these excerpts. They allow studio professionals and clients to hear my voice in particular contexts. For example, in advertising, e-learning or institutional projects.

I also have a lot of fun recording voices that are different from my natural voice, such as children’s voices or old ladies’ voices. These voices, although not – at first sight – destined for commercials or companies, are used in the creation of characters in the case of dubbing cartoons, for example.

I let you listen below and discover my different voices!

My equipment

For practice purposes, I have my own home studio, which also allows me to work from home when necessary.

casque de justine petitjean voix off audiotechnica
Audiotechnica ATH-M50x headphones
carte son audiobox de justine petitjean voix off
Audiobox USB 96 sound card
Lewit LCT 440 PURE mic
antipop de justine petitjean voix off

On the software side, I work with :

adobe audition logiciel justine petitjean voix off
Adobe Audition

Listen to my voice

Logo de Justine Petitjean Comédienne voix-off française

Don’t wait any longer, book the voice-over for your project

Write to me via the link below, I will respond to you as soon as I receive your message.

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